
so I've lost about a month in my creativity blog because I couldn't even bring myself to get out of bed, let alone do a craft. I feel guilty, but it was a necessary break. That said, I brought myself back slowly by doing something real simple yesterday and it was probably the most delicious thing I've done in a long time. 

I made butter from scratch. 

If you have a stand mixer, it's the simplest thing in the world and you can't even compare it to store bought quality. It is the smoothest, creamiest, and wonderful rich goodness to have hit my tongue lately. 

All you need is a carton of whipping cream and a mixer. Start mixing (make sure to use the splatter guard!!!) until you see the consistency of butter and it starts to separate from the liquid. You have now made butter and buttermilk within just a few minutes. Strain the buttermilk and use it in baking. Add whatever flavour you'd like to your butter - cinnamon and sugar, garlic, Italian seasoning, or maple and brown sugar. You name it! Throw it in some Saran wrap and freeze until usage. Because it's fresh and you couldn't strain all the buttermilk, it won't keep in the fridge for as long as store bought butter keeps as it would go sour, so just thaw as you need it. Highly, highly recommend it!

Written by May Mazor — February 23, 2015

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