
January 19 - more quilling

So I haven't been able to shake off the headache and it's even gotten to losing balance every few minutes. I'm not proud to say that I didn't get out of bed today until 6:30...PM.

I am, however, proud to say I gave quilling another try since I enjoyed it so much recently during my other project. We made it a date and turned it into a bit of a quilling party with the more experienced Steph, and while listening to the Emperor's New Groove movie, and not speaking much, we placed our undivided attention into the hands of the strips of paper. I got a part of my project done:

The plan is to eventually spice up the rest of the frame with more quilled flowers but this is all I could muster tonight.

Although the concentration increased the headache, I must say this was so soothing it was almost therapeutic . Highly recommend giving this a try! Just google image "quilling". The things that come up are absolutely ridiculously incredible! Very inspiring.

January 18 - extreme family photo

as an idea for a creative project at some point this year, I offered myself to a couple of photographer friends. They all have had me before the camera and know I'm terrible as a model - can't keep a straight face and, let's be honest, I'm no model. I thought it'd be fun to work on that while giving them a chance to work and experiment with something they've had in mind and would need a test subject for. Before long, one Adam Mooz, a fantastic photographer whose photos are all over our house, offered a try at an extreme photo.

Basically, it's a series of individual photos of each member doing what describes them best and then put together into one grand photo. He came up with a great idea for our little family of three and we got to work today.

Step one was to get Pippin into a pot. After a puddle of pee and lots of coaxing, hugs, and kisses, we got the pup into the pot. Love how this turned out, and kudos to our wonderfully talented friend, Adam, for giving this a shot and giving us the time of day!

January 17 - scratch off map

I'm taking a break today becauase headache. I don't understand where this is coming from but it's brutal enough to take today off. To avoid a blank post, here's a project from last year:

This was a project I did for multiple reasons:

A. I wanted to try out spray paint

B. I wanted to experiment with scratch off paint.

C. Drawing a full map is cool and hardcore.

D. The scratch off maps I saw in store were all sorts of ridiculous rainbow colours.

This was a Christmas gift and it seemed to be quite the hit. I learned you an use half acrylic paint and half dish soap to create scratch off paint like on a lottery ticket. Neat trick! It was cool to sit down and see the recipient scratch off all the places they've been to, and of course, spray paint is awesome! This was my first time using some and my god, it's so easy and quick!

January 16 - date book

Having been together for 9 years, it's always a struggle to come up with things to do together. It's hard to find the time to spend together with (one or both) working which leaves you tired and not wanting to do anything but curl up on the couch and watch Netflix. But it's important to maintain a level of communication and interaction to keep a relationship going. So I decided to go ahead and buy this collection of date ideas as a stocking stuffer.

buy the cards

We were afraid we wouldn't remember to use the cards or what the dates were, so an album is called for. Luckily, we got a really cool old school leather journal from Shopify a few years ago as a Christmas present, so we decided to put the two together.

Here's a peak at our first "by-the-book" date night. It was SO amazing and relaxing - something we both needed  

We couldn't decide which card to do - just knew we didn't want to leave the house and not really do anything fancy. So we combined two.

Made an amazing meal - an artichoke-spinach-cucumber salad followed by French onion soup, had a bubble bath and wailed for 2 hours to the point that we lost our voices. Lots of wine was consumed and was absolutely necessary. And ended the night by watching Justin's favorite childhood movie - Blue Streak. I can't believe I've never seen it before, SO funny.

I also couldn't think of what was my favorite childhood movie. Little Mermaid, Lion King, and Moulin Rouge are my favorite but that only became so around high school. Couldn't think of anything, maybe for next time!

Poor neighbours, if you're reading this, that is all.

January 13/14 - DIY photobook

I know it's been 6 months and is way past wedding excitement, but I'm a bad person and have yet to send a few thank yous to the elder relatives overseas that couldn't make it but sent gifts. Most of them don't have access to the photos we posted online, and we wanted to share our day with them.

I've also realized it's already been so long that I don't have any more time to waste in ordering one of those online photo books. Thus, I've decided to try making one myself.

Day 2: one turned into four. I've made 4 books :)

January 11 - old painting

I'll use this opportunity to post an old project, since I had a few moments of creativity in 2014 (mostly towards December) and none today. 

Here's a painting I did a while ago. Still trying to figure out where to hang it - that could be a whole project all on it's own.

January 10 - art of sushi

Today, a 9 year old dream came to life. I was given a Cordon Bleu class as a Christmas gift from my wonderful parents-in-law. And even more so, it was The Art Of Sushi. 

It took majority of the day, but I learned quite a few new techniques and overall had an incredible time. From getting out of the house, to eating my favorite food to learning cool ways to make it... It really was a dream come true.



I may not have a crazy carved dragon of root vegetables, but I got a cute little asian sushi set :D

January 8/9/12/15 - knitting

HALLELUJAH! I finally figured out knitting thanks to my handy dandy mommy who watched me like a hawk and fixed my first million mistakes. This was a $3 kit from the dollar store but all it came with was yarn and the sticks, BUT NO INSTRUCTIONS. So this has been fun, and a long time coming!

Here's all I got done today, fingers sore and lots of concentration but so far, worth it :) now to sleep off the headache. Will eventually post a picture of the final product

EDIT 1: day two of working on the scarf. Still not even a 3rd of the way, but making good progress.

EDIT 2: day 3 brought us to just over half way :D

EDIT 3: And here's the final product. Pretty stoked at how it turned out! My first knitting project, a few errors were definitely made but it's a pretty forgiving scarf due to the loose yarn, and thanks to my mom who helped out from beginning to end and was always on standby just in case!

January 7 - quilling

actually had this one done half way through the day. Pretty proud considering I lounged in bed until 1:30ish. Started the day with a headache but found this quite the soothing therapy!

I found this tutorial that gave me inspiration to try this out.

Unfortunately, the tutorial required a bunch of actual tools - who knew quilling is an actual artform all on its own? So I made due with using the back of a brush, a pencil, and my fingers. Fun times! Love the outcome :)

January 6 - cookies

Today is a sad, sad day. Between still being exhausted, actually taking the dog out, and having a doctor's appointment, I decided to try and learn how to knit. After 2 hours I ended up with a raging headache, a nap, and a collection of knotted yarn. Fail.

I soon gave up and decided to make pom poms. Unfortunately I HAD to choose the shedding yarn and they ended up useless. Fail. I'll save the pom pom idea for a future project I have in mind.

So I made up some cookies so this day doesn't go to waste. And they were KICK ASS. This is an approximate recipe since I made them up as I went and didn't measure. Adjust to your taste. 

3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/8 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
2 tsp instant coffee
3/4 tbsp Cocoa powder
1/4 cup chocolate chips
mix them all together, spoon onto a cookie sheet, and bake 10 min at 350. These. Were. Amazing.

Maybe the day wasn't a full waste afterall.

Om nom nom nom.